INFPs aren't very good at self-promotion, said the text book
example of one of the 16 personalities on the Myers-Briggs type indicator who
prefers writing over talking and shudders at the thought of being expected to
mingle with a room full of strangers.
Creative types are often introverts, being more at home
expressing ourselves through our chosen medium rather than talking. But what
happens when an introvert wants to let the world in on her craft? When she wants
people to know what she does and maybe even land some freelance gigs? For me,
when it's time to—gulp—talk about myself, I can expend huge amounts of energy coming
up with reasons not to.
Even launching this blog caused internal debate ad nauseam. (Like
the world needed yet another blog). I've also thought about creating a website,
and it isn't just a lack of technical skills that's prevented it (and yes, I know,
there are things like for the tech-impaired). It's the thought of
filling pages, or even one page
Ugh. A friend recently pointed out my deficit in self-promotion skills, saying
I just share a link to a blog post without any preamble, as if to say, "Here it
is, read it if you want to." And?
So all of the above led to the creation of this page. If the
point of my blog is to show potential freelance clients that I can in fact
write, it made sense to include examples of said writing and a list of the
kinds of projects I've done. That's enough self-promotion for now...I'm exhausted.