"Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words." - Mark Twain

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Splendid Isolation

                                           Photo credit: Vlada Karpovich via Pexels

Writing is a solitary craft, as are many artistic pursuits, so it's a good fit for an introvert. And 2020 has certainly turned out to be a banner year for solitude, no? As if a global pandemic weren't enough, nearly the entire west coast is on fire, creating unhealthy to toxic air quality. What better time to stay indoors and be creative? So here I sit, drafting, writing, rewriting. And then...it's time to go public and put whatever I've written "out there."

That's something I've struggled with over the years, for a few reasons. Besides constantly wondering if my writing is "good enough" (whatever that means. Good enough for what?), it sometimes feels counter-intuitive to go public with that which is created in solitude. I struggled with the decision to launch this blog, ultimately deciding that while there was certainly no shortage, I needed a place to point potential freelance clients.

Blog aside, what about other types of writing? I attempted to write a novel several years ago, revising and polishing until I felt it was ready to pitch. I spent a few months being rejected by agents, finally deciding it wasn't meant to be (and no, I didn't want to put it on Amazon), but the process was invaluable. The exercise of developing plot and characters and creating a story with a beginning, middle, and end led to a second, much better novel. So, what's next? Time will tell.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Darkness on the Edge of...Everything

After finishing a lengthy and involved project—-more on that later—-I took a mental break. Said break happened to coincide with a break from social media and a news fast. And then 2020 began to unfold... W.T.A.F??

Between getting used to working from home, being reluctant to leave my house, wiping down groceries and mail, peaceful protests being met with violence, and the dangerous ridiculousness of the current administration...I've had NOTHING to say. I don't want to write, and I'm sure no one wants to read, posts full of angst-ridden whininess and gallows humor. And then the entire west coast burst into flame. It's just TOO FREAKING MUCH.

A friend shared this, much of which resonates with me, especially the concept of "surge capacity," and how people fall prey to magical thinking. We're all anxious, frightened, irritated-to-furious on a daily sliding scale, and completely mind-numbingly exhausted. Is there hope? I believe there can be, but the time to wait for others to act to make things better has passed. It's up to every damned one of us to take action to affect real change.

One bright spot: art tends to flourish in trying times. Many creatives I know are hanging onto their sanity the only way they know how: making music, taking photographs, drawing and painting, and writing. Will 2021 be a banner year for art? I believe it will. And I'll have something to share in the spring. Stay tuned...