"Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words." - Mark Twain

Monday, September 1, 2014

New Frontiers

 "Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words." - Mark Twain

For months now, I've been thinking about launching a new blog. I've grown bored with the old one, as my dwindling number of posts no doubt illustrates. It served its purpose as my intro into the blogging realm, but it just felt like it was time to move on and reinvent. Perhaps I’ve just said everything I had to say on that particular platform. I’m not sure, but what I do know is that I want to keep writing—I need to keep writing. Blogging seems the obvious way to do that, between freelance projects and the big project (read: novel). The first thing a new blog needs is a title, of course. Trying to come up with a clever, unique title that fits just right is enough to hone my procrastination skills to an even finer edge. Doesn’t that closet need cleaning out? Shouldn’t I mop the floor? The cats definitely need brushing...

Browsing blogs and searching domain names is not my idea of a good time. (See procrastination techniques above). Luckily, inspiration struck when I ran across the Twain quote at the top of this post. How much of writing is getting rid of the wrong words to make room for the right ones? Quite a bit it seems, especially for one so prone to edit as I write. (I’m getting better at writing first and editing later, but it’s still not second nature). And I couldn’t resist the old-school imagery of putting pen to paper that such a title evokes. Like the other one, this blog will focus on writing and language, a love of words, and of course non-sequitur observations and snarky commentary. As far as writing being easy, it’s a simple truth that one gets better at something by doing it. Will it ever be easy? Not likely, but I’ll keep at it. Game on, Mr. Twain.