Well, after seven long months, countless résumé tweaks, 48 applications,
and some much-needed, greatly-appreciated insider knowledge from friends, I did
it—I landed a state job. On Monday, I'll start my new gig as a Communications
Consultant at State Compensation Insurance Fund. (Cue fanfare). To say I'm relieved is an understatement of
ridiculous proportions. I don't do unemployment well, and am a terrible job
hunter, but I will say I've handled things far better this time around than
after Tower ended. I really have no idea what to expect, but as someone who
rarely changes jobs (I don't leave jobs, they leave me), I'm trying to keep it
together and not completely freak out about being the FNG after nearly nine
years at my last job.
I do know that I'll have an entire week of training, or onboarding (and
the state-speak begins) before I even sit down at my desk for the first time.
What a concept. Comprehensive training. About the organization, my benefits
package, what workers' comp is and how it functions, and presumably, the
culture of the agency. I must admit that it's the latter I'm most concerned
about. I know I can learn the language of a new industry, even the endless
acronyms, and figure out the day-to-day functions of the job. But what's it
going to be like working for the state of California? How corporate is it going
to be? As in, how serious is the environment, and am I going to have to conduct
myself like an actual grown-up 100% of the time and leave my sarcasm and
fabulously witty personality at the door? While that probably sounds like a
given to most people, consider my history. You can take the girl out of Tower...
However it will unfold, I'm ready for this new chapter to
begin, and I won't forget the help of the friends who go me this far. And now,
it's on me. Here we go...