"Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words." - Mark Twain

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Brand New Day

Although I understand the inclination to start a new calendar year with a new plan, I've never been one to make resolutions. There's nothing wrong with specific goals concerning diet, exercise, creative output, etc., but I don't like to stuff all of that into the beginning of January and hit start. I'd rather take some time to think about my intentions for the coming block of time we label a 'year.' How do I want to feel? What do I want to happen over the next twelve months?
Of course it's easy to get carried away, over-promise and take on too much...I'll do Daily Burn every day, and write a blog post every day, AND send out pitch letters every week...uh yeah...maybe I'll start will realistic goals. I do want to continue to make time to write, which means making space for the muse, who as any artist knows, will show up when (s)he damn well pleases.
Looking at the blank slate of the first month of the coming new year, I'm setting the following intentions:

·         Listen more than talk
·         Make time and space for the muse
·         Observe rather than react
·         Make more time for friends and family
·         Celebrate more

Resolutions need to be kept or we've failed. Intentions can be meditated upon and unfolded as we move through time. The empty page of a new year simmers with possibilities and shines with unlimited potential. 2015, bring it.


  1. A sound set of resolutions, indeed! Ah, the muse… she is a fickle being! She comes and goes as she pleases. The inspiration she offers may be as sublet as a passing whim or as weighty as the most persistent psychical trauma… Cheers! And may the words issue forth from your pen (or cursor) with grace and ease!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Marc, I wish the same for you! May the muse visit often and stay late.
